Emile Durkheim Sociologists and Philosopher _ Dominick LaCapra

Emile Durkheim
Sociologists and Philosopher
Dominick LaCapra
Pages  301
Format PDF 4.41 MB

Preface, 2001
1. Introduction  1

2. Durkheim's Milieu  25             

3. The Division of Social Labor  75
Quo Vadis  75
Mechanical and Organic Solidarity  79
Conscience Collective  83
Crime and Punishment  86
Traditional Differentiation  96
Theory of Change   110
Residual Doubts  114
Con tract and Solidarity  118
Modern  Social Pathology  122

4. Suicide and Solidarity  137
The Object and Limitations of Suicide  137
Anomie and Egoism  147
Altruism and Fatalism  160
Durkheim and weber  165
From Analysis to Reform  170

5. Theory and Practice  179
Sociolog, History. and Reform  179
Corporatism  200
The Individual and Society  211

6. The Sacred and Society  235
The Theory of Religion  236
Sociology and Epistemology  251
Social Metaphysic  262

Epilog  281
Selected Bibliography  285
Index  297

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