Content Sosiologi E Book

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I. Sociology E Book Classic

23. Pre Capitalist Economic Formation _  Karl Marx
27. Making Sense of karl Marx Study in Marxism and Social Theory _ Jon Elster
30. Marx for Beginner _ Rius
32. Critique of Hegel Philosophy of Right _ Karl Marx
33. From Hegel to Marx _
34. Karl Marx and The Close of His System _ Eugen Von Bohm-Bawerk
35. Karl Marx Selected Writing in Sociology and Social Philosophy _ Karl Marx
36. Philosophy  and Myth in Karl Marx _ Robert C. Tucker
40. Marx and Engels on Law
48. Masalah Masalah Dasar Marxisme _ G.V. Plekhanov
51. Karl Marxs Theory of Revolution State and Bereaucracy _ Hal Draper
52. Karl Marxs Theory of Revolution The Politics of Social Classes _ Hal Draper
53. Karl Marxs Theory of Revolution  The Dictatorship of Proletariat _ Hal Draper
54. Karl Marxs Theory of Revolution  Critique of Other Socialism _ Hal Draper
58. The Selected Poetry of Karl Marx

1. Positive Philosophy of August Comte Part I _ August Comte
8. August Comte As Intellectual Biography Vol I _ Mary Pickering

6. Ethics And The Sociology Of Morals  _ Emile Durkheim, Robert T.Hall

3. On Individuality and Social Forms _ Georg Simmel

2. The Religion Of China _ Max Weber
8. The Methodology Of The Social Sciences _ Max Weber

II.  Sociology E Book Modern

1.  Antonio Gramsci -An Introduction To His Thought  _  A. Pozzolini ,  Anne F. Showstack
2.  Antonio Gramsci _ Antonio A. Santucci
3.  Gramsci -Pre Prison Writings  _ Antonio Gramsci , Richard Bellamy, Virginia Cox
4.  The Antonio Gramsci Reader - Selected Writing 1916-1935 _ Antonio Gramsci , D. Forgacs
5.  Prison Notebooks _  Antonio Gramsci
6.  Selection From The Prison Notebooks -Antonio Gramsci, Quintin Hoare, Geoffrey N. Smith
7.  Selection From Political Writing 1910-1920 _  Antonio Gramsci , Quintin Hoare
8.  Antonio Gramsci  _ Steve Jones
9.  Antonio Gramsci  : Beyond Marxism And Postmodernism  _ Renate Holub
10. Antonio Gramsci Conservative Schooling For Radical Politics  _ Harold Entwistle
11. Hegemony And Revolution -Antonio Gramsci’s Political And Cultural Theory  W.L.Adamson

1.  One Dimensional Man Studies In The Ideology Of Advance _ Herbert Marcuse
2.  An Essay on Liberation _ Herbert Marcuse
3.  Art And Liberation Collected Papers Of Herbert Marcuse _ Herbert Marcuse
4.  Technology War And Fascism Collected Papers Of Herbert Marcuse _  Herbert Marcuse
5.  Counter Revolution And Revolt _ Herbert Marcuse
6.  Revolution Or Reform A Confrontation _ Herbert Marcuse
7.  Soviet Marxism A Critical Analysis _ Herbert Marcuse
8.  Heideggerian Marxism _ Herbert Marcuse
9.  Negations Essays In Critical Theory _ Herbert Marcuse
10. A Critique of Pure Tolerance _ Herbert Marcus, Robert Paul W, Barrington Moore
11. Eros And Civilization A Philosophical Inquiry Into Freud _ Herbert Marcuse
12. Studies In Critical Philosophy _ Herbert Marcuse
13. Towards A Critical Theory Of Society _ Herbert Marcuse

5.  Between Fact and Norms_ Jurgen Habermas
6.  Autonomy And Solidarity Interviews With Jurgen Habermas  _ Peter Dews
7.  Insight And Solidarity The Discourse Ethics Of Jurgen Habermas  _William Rehg
13. Legitimation Crisis _Jurgen Habermas
21. Postmetaphysical Thinking Philosophical Essay _  Jurgen Habermas
22. The Emancipative Theory Of Jurgen Habermas And Metaphysics _ Robert P. Badilo
23. Religion And Rationality : Essays On Reason, God, And Modernity _ Jurgen Habermas
26. The Future Of Human Nature _ Jurgen Habermas
32. The Philosophical Discourse Of Modernity _ Jurgen Habermas
33. The Recent Work Of Jurgen Habermas  : Reason, Justice And Modernity _Stephen K. White


1. 21st Century Sociology A Reference Handbook _ Clifton D Bryant, DrDennis L Peck

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